The Nature Journaler

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September Gratitude

At the close of the month I like to look back over the past few weeks, remember, and be thankful…

— trying Chicken of the Woods mushrooms for the first time

— seeing the swans up close on the trail at Eagle Creek

—noticing so many mushrooms all month long

—smelling fall for the first time under a Cottonwood tree (September 5)

—seeing more butterflies

—two eagle sightings!

—early morning fog on more days than usual

—fresh figs from a friend’s outdoor tree

—the first day of fall! And the weather changing to match!

—teaching a nature journaling workshop in person again

—meeting up with extended family at the park

—the incredible beauty of the goldenrod and asters

—the New England aster

—two hours by myself to sit by Eagle Creek and just be